Assalamualaikum and salam ade something nk bagitau korang sume... It's about world scholar's tu lah...Mula-mula aq xtau sangat tentang program ni...tapi bile aq bace lbih details tentang ni cam menarik jer...Program ni utk discover strengths and skills kite dlm debate and writing...camtu lah... Semua ni dalam ENGLISH...Akan diadakan pd 17-19 June 2011
First thing yg korang kne buat...Tubuhkan satu group... 3 members only.. Program ni ade 2 divisions.. Senior (age 15+) and Junior (age 11-14).. Ade 4 events, DEBATE..WRITING..CHALLENGE & BOWL.. aq suke debate... and tahun ni theme dye A WORLD TRANSFORMED.. So,utk itu..korang kne explore 6 topics..It is biotech,changing lives,changing worlds,the new economy, a world in flux and modern metropolis..
Berminat?? How to join it?? Just log on to ..and then sign up..Then, register for the round of your choice..You can choice global round,singapore round or MALAYSIA ROUNDS !!
Tu je aq nk berkongsi dgn you all sume utk kebaikan bersama..huhuhuhu...
*Insya-Allah aq akan join program ni klau xde arah melintang...
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